OnSSET is a GIS based optimization tool that has been developed to support electrification planning and decision making for the achievement of energy access goals in currently unserved locations.
OnSSET code basis is flexible and modular. That is, resolution of analysis, GIS input data, technology types & costs as well as electrification policies can all be customized as needed.
OnSSET is a dynamic open source project. That is, advances are brought into the project in real time. Guided by a steering committee and regular meetings, membership and contributions are open to everyone.
OnSSET development is supported by the Swedish Center for Smart Grids and Energy Storage (SweGRIDS) in collaboration with ABB, through PhD funding since 2016.
A key effort in the development of OnSSET includes the work of EU Joint Research Center (S Szabó et al 2011 Environ. Res. Lett. 6 034002). That work was a breakthrough in that it developed and used for the first time LCOE maps of the entire African continent.